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In order to achieve a used or aged look on fashion denim garments, ˇ§stoneˇ¨ (volcanic pumice and other materials such as sand) are added to special ˇ§stone washˇ¨ processed. The heavy abrasion caused by these abrasive materials imparts an aged look of the garment fabric, but can also damage the zippers. The abrasive nature of these strenuous washes may leave obvious scratch marks on the metal surfaces of zipper components. The degree of damage can vary depending on the size of the abrasive material, the amount of the abrasive material used, the wash cycle time and the weight of the garment wash load. Additional factors can also lead to further damage.

Metal dust can be abraded off of the zipper components during this process. This dust can mix with the powder produced from the stones and sand, and can accumulate on the metal surfaces of the zipper. Under certain circumstances, this mixture can produce stain migrations if it comes in contact with the garment fabric. These stains are more visible on lighter colored garments. These types of stains can be removed simply by washing the affected fabrics, direct contact between the zipper products and the abrasive materials should be avoided. Ensuring that the zipper is properly closed and protected throughout the washing processes can help.


During the garment-dyeing process, different kinds of dyestuff and auxiliaries are used for the different materials with which they are compatible. Sulfur, reactive or direct dyes tend to be used for cotton fabrics, while acid dyes are usually used for nylon products. The use of various other chemicals such as reducing agents, oxidizing agent, acids and alkalis is also common to garment-dyeing. When significant amounts of dyestuffs and chemicals are used, changes in color of the metal components of the zipper may occur. In such kinds of discoloration can also occur. The following conditions can affect the color of the garment-dyed items.
- The properties and concentrations of the dyestuff and chemicals used in the process.
- Processing temperature
- Processing time
- The stain resistance characteristics of the garment material

Often times color change or staining can worsen when zippers come in contact with the garment-dyed fabrics in moist or wet conditions for an extended of time.
It is virtually impossible to sop chemical reactions from occurring if metal zippers are sewn into garments during the dyeing process. For this reason, it is strongly advised that zippers be sewn into the garment after the dyeing process is completed. In order to prevent reactions between any residual dyestuffs or chemicals and the zippers, all garment fabrics should be thoroughly neutralized, rinsed and dried immediately after dyeing.
In applications where zippers must endure the garment dyeing process, pre-production tests should be thoroughly neutralized, sensed and dried immediately after dyeing.
In applications where zippers must endure the garment-dyeing process, pre-production tests should be performed to determine if a reaction will occur. This can help prevent undesirable color change or stains to both the zipper and the garment.

In addition to dyeable Close-ended(C/E) zippers, AVANT also offers Open End (O/E) zippers with cotton and cotton blend PFD ("Prepared-For-Dye") tapes for use in jackets and coats intended to be garment-dyed. While the tapes of these O/E zippers will accept dyes in the same manner as those of our C/E dyeable zippers, it is important to note that the Binder Seal at the bottom of O/E zippers is made of synthetic material which will not accept dyes in the same manner as cotton.

Binder seal is a necessary component of O/E zippers which must be made of synthetic materials in order to assure the strength and integrity of the separating end. Depending on the specific color and chemistry used in the garment-dyeing process, the Blinder Seal may remain undyed or may display a different color after garment-dyeing.
As with any special garment process, pre-production testing must be performed by the customer to determine the suitability of these zippers for each specific application prior to ordering of zippers for bulk production.


Strong bleaching agents (such as sodium hypochlorite, hydrogen peroxide and sodium hydrosulfite) are sometimes used during garment-dyeing processes. Such bleaching agents may react with the metal elements of zippers, causing color changes.

The extent of this discoloration can depend on the specific type of bleaching agents used in the treatment as well as the temperature and duration of the treatment. In some cases, not only the metal parts but also the zipper tape may be affected.

It is recommended that all bleaching processes be completed and the garment fabrics neutralized or rinsed before zippers are sewn into garments. In applications where zippers must endure a bleaching process, pre-production tests should be performed to determine if a reaction will occur .This can help prevent undesirable stains on both the zipper and the garment.

The following precautions should be observed in order to minimize changes to color of the metal components of all zippers:

- Do not allow high concentrations of strong bleaching agents to come in contact with zippers
- Garments and zipper components must be rinsed immediately after bleaching. This should be done as thoroughly as possible


During the leather tanning process ,tanning agents such as sulfuric acid ,mineral acids ,tannic acid and chromium or aldehyde compounds are commonly used. The color of metal components of zippers may change if they come in contact with any of these chemicals. Such color change can be accelerated if the products are stored in high temperature, high pressure or poorly ventilated conditions. The following precautions should be observed in order to minimize color changes in metal components of zippers:

- Use leather which has been sufficiently washed and neutralized after the tanning process
- Avoid storing leather products with zippers having metal components in airtight packages or poorly ventilated environments
- Avoid prolonged contact between treated leather and metal components of zipper


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